
Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for the field of mathematics.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page zbMATH Open – Online version of Zentralblatt für Mathematik, dating back to 1931, bibliographical references and reviews on pure and applied mathematics – Further information
- external page MathSciNet – Online version of Mathematical Reviews, dating back to 1940, bibliographical references and reviews on pure and applied mathematics – Further information
- external page Web of Science – Interdisciplinary database including the Derwent Innovations Index (patents), Web of Science Core Collection (journal articles), Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics – Over 4,000 definitions from pure and applied mathematics and statistics; alphabetical or keyword searches
- external page Handbook of Mathematics – Continuously updated, basic knowledge for students and users of mathematics; definitions, formulae and examples; subject-based search
- external page CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas – Definitions, formulae, and tables covering all areas of pure and applied mathematics; subject-based search, keyword search, and detailed index
- external page A Dictionary of Statistics – Over 2,000 definitions on all aspects of statistics and their applications; alphabetical or keyword searches
- external page Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences – Continuously updated reference work on all aspects of statistics; alphabetical and subject-based search and advanced search options
- external page Handbook of Statistics – Multi-volume work on all aspects of statistics; each volume is devoted to a particular topic; mainly current research literature
- external page Handbook of Algebra – Multi-volume work on all sub-areas of algebra; mainly current research literature but also general introductory articles
- external page Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals – Definitions and formulas relating to mathematical and numerical analysis; subject-based search, keyword search, and detailed index
- external page Handbook of Numerical Analysis – Multi-volume work on numerical analysis; first ten volumes contain introductory material, later volumes deal with specialised applications
- external page Encyclopedia of Optimization – Definitions of terms from all areas of mathematical optimization, references to literature and other articles; alphabetical search
- external page ArXiv (Cornell University) – Free access to electronic publications in the fields of physics, mathematics and computer science; subject-based search
- external page European Mathematical Information Service (EMIS) – Information service provided by the European Mathematical Society (EMS); key starting point when searching for many information sources and services
- external page Mathematics Information Service (fidmath) research portal – Search simultaneously in library catalogues, collections of journal articles and pre-prints and on relevant Internet sites
- external page Springer books on mathematics – Electronic books from Springer and its imprints; monographs, series (for example Lecture Notes in Mathematics) and reference works
- external page Wolfram MathWorld – About 13,000 mathematical terms, with further references to literature; alphabetical and subject-based search; also direct access to WolframAlpha