General, interdisciplinary

Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media and search our selected interdisciplinary reference and full text databases.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page Web of Science – Interdisciplinary database including the Derwent Innovations Index (patents), Web of Science Core Collection (journal articles), Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- external page Current Contents Connect – Interdisciplinary bibliographical Web of Knowledge database for scientific journal articles published from 1998 onwards – Further information
- external page Essential Science Indicators – Web of Knowledge database containing statistics and citation analysis for scientific journals
- external page Journal Citation Reports – Database with citation data from medical, scientific and technical journals
- external page Nexis Uni – Mainly Anglo–American economic, financial and legal information, also full text versions of newspaper and journal articles – Further information
- external page National Technical Reports Library/NTIS – References to reports on science, technology and business funded by the US government
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page Encyclopaedia Britannica Online – English-language general encyclopaedia with various search functions
- external page Munzinger-Duden – German-language general encyclopaedia, specialist lexicons from various fields, German spelling rules
- external page Oxford Reference Online – Collection of general and subject-specific English-language specialist lexicons and dictionaries
- external page Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography – Biographical lexicon for natural sciences and natural science history
- external page World Biographical Information System – Comprehensive compendium of biographical data giving brief information about over six million people
- external page Van Nostrand‘s Scientific Encyclopedia – Basic reference work for natural sciences and technology, with more than 10,000 keywords and links to entries
- external page The Gale Encyclopedia of Science – Basic lexicon for the natural sciences, with search options
- external page Historical Encyclopedia of Natural and Mathematical Sciences – Lexicon on the history of natural sciences and mathematics
- external page The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science – Lexicon on the history of natural sciences from the 16th century onwards
- external page Swiss National Science Foundation – Swiss institution working on behalf of the Federal government to promote all scientific fields
- external page Contact Office for European Research Innovation and Education (SwissCore) – Platform for Swiss and European scientific research projects in Brussels
- external page Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Promotes research projects in all scientific fields, with a special focus on interdisciplinary and international projects
- external page National Science Foundation (NSF) – Independent national institution in the US to promote research and education in technology and natural and social sciences
- external page Nobel Prize – Website of the Nobel Foundation with information dating back to 1901
You can often attend online courses free of charge, and you are also flexible in terms of time for archived or self-paced courses. Ongoing courses, on the other hand, only take place at fixed times and often allow for additional interaction.
- external page – Founded by MIT and Harvard University, prestigious organisations offer more than 1,000 archived and self-paced courses as well as hundreds of current courses, including some external page courses by the ETH Zurich. All courses are free of charge and cover subjects in science, engineering and art.
- external page – This commercial site offers more than 2,000 courses covering subjects in science, engineering and art.
- external page – This non-commercial site offers more than 4,000 courses in mathematics, science, history and economics. The courses have been translated into many languages and address all levels of education.
- external page – This site indexes more than 5,000 courses by several providers in English or German. The courses in German are usually lectures recorded at German universities.