Computer science

Here you will find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for computer science.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page IEEE xplore – Access to technical literature in the fields of computer science and information technology, electrical engineering, electronics and microelectronics
- external page INSPEC – Abstracts giving access to the contents of publications in the fields of computer science and information technology, engineering sciences and physics – Further information
- external page Web of Science – Interdisciplinary database including the Derwent Innovations Index (patents), Web of Science Core Collection (journal articles), Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering – Over 450 alphabetically arranged articles on the latest developments in computer science, information technology and artificial intelligence
- external page Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology – Compendium of over 750 articles on the current state of knowledge in computer science and its technical, organisational and sociological implications
- external page Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking – Over 1,300 entries on main topics, developments, concepts and trends in multimedia technologies and applications
- external page Handbook of Applied Algorithms – Basic principles and comprehensive collection of examples and simulations of algorithmic problems and applications of discrete mathematics
- external page Encyclopedia of Information Systems – Articles on topics relating to analysis and design, implementation, communication, hardware and software, and social and legal issues
- external page Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence – Reference to aspects such as theoretical developments, technologies and applications in the field of artificial intelligence
- external page Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction – Comprehensive source covering a wide range of subjects related to human-computer interaction and the application of interactive systems
- external page Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security – Ethical, technical and legal aspects such as computer crime, electronic warfare, data protection, surveillance and copyright issues
- external page Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications – Comprehensive reference work for database concepts and technologies and their applications, with emphasis on present and future trends
- external page The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies – Very extensive collection of bibliographies for scientific literature in the field of computer science
- external page The History of Computing Project – Comprehensive collection, sorted by date and subject, on the history of computer and information science
- external page TOP500 Supercomputer Sites – Up-to-date statistics and information on the 500 most powerful computer systems in the world
- external page HardwareCentral – Discussions about hardware, performance tests, background information and tips, pictures, properties, motherboard diagrams and more
- external page – Resources for professional software developers with detailed discussion on development, programming and other subjects