ETH Library – We’re at your service!

Dear professors, welcome to the ETH Library! We’re glad to support you with a broad range of services in your research and teaching tasks at ETH Zurich.

Kursteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer bei Gruppenarbeiten in Räumlichkeiten der ETH Zürich

The ETH Library provides extensive electronic and physical resources and supports your research group with services such as electronic publishing, open access, research data management and subject-specific databases and sources.

Personal advice

Please feel free to book a librarian for individual advice in a personal course on topics such as bibliometric analyses, research data management or any other topic we can help you with.

Scholarly communication

Through courses, workshops and consulting, the ETH Library offers advice on different aspects of scholarly communication, including publishing and registering, publishing research data, open access, copyright and author rights, as well as reference management.

Your (PhD) students might be interested in information management issues, research courses, scientific writing, a workshop on managing the research life cycle or a self-study course on the Moodle teaching and learning platform about how to start their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

The ETH Library also runs the Research Collection – ETH Zurich’s repository for publications and research data which serves as a publication platform. Feel free to contact us for further information or advice on the Research Collection.

Data management and policies

As a scientist at ETH Zurich, you will receive support from the ETH Library for your research projects. Among other things, we will help you to meet the data management requirements of the research funding agencies and from ETH Zurich’s own ”Guidelines for Research Data Management”. We offer trainings on research data management in the form of a series of six individual workshops for junior researchers and we run an annual Summer School.

Searching and finding

external pageETH Library @ swisscovery allows you to search for electronic and physical media in the holdings of the ETH Library as well as the holdings of approximately 470 libraries belonging to other Swiss universities, universities of applied science and research institutions. swisscovery lists more than 30 million books, series, journals and non-book materials as well as more than 3 billion electronic articles.

You might also be interested in our vast variety of platforms, research tools, digital collections and media sorted by subject, with personal advice by our subject specialists.

Coffee Lectures

Are you short on time, but still keen to learn about tools that could help you in your research? Our Coffee Lectures provide fifteen-minute sessions with concise, condensed information on a particular topic including the opportunity to ask questions.

We’re at your service

Get in touch at our , +41 44 632 21 35


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