Now available digitally: “Blätter der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich”
“Blätter der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich” has been published since 1958 and is the oldest journal dedicated to Thomas Mann in the German-speaking world. The ETH Library now provides digital access on E-Periodica.

Until now, “Blätter der Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich” was only available in print. Some issues have been out of print for a long time. In cooperation with the “external page Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich” and the Thomas Mann Archive, the DigiCenter of the ETH Library has now digitised them. external page All issues are now publicly accessible online to a wide audience on external page E-Periodica, the platform for Swiss journals operated by the ETH Library. The most recent issue will be released after a blocking period.
The “Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich” was founded in 1956, one year after the death of the writer and at the same time as the archive. Since then, its declared aim, as stated in its statutes, has been “to deepen the understanding of Thomas Mann and to promote research into and presentation of his work, his person and his time”. The society does this to a large part through the publication of the “Blätter”. These have been published regularly since 1958 and provide a forum for academic or essayistic discussions of Thomas Mann's work, legacy and environment, as well as for other contributions. Each issue contains one or two articles, as well as the society’s annual reports and membership lists.