Collection objects in digital structures – 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library
We welcome the provenance researcher Prof Dr Antoinette Maget Dominicé. She will talk about the challenges of dealing with collection objects at the interface of digital infrastructures, legal norms and social debates.

17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library
Thursday, 21 march 2024, 17.15
Digital resources between infrastructures and standards
Prof. Dr Antoinette Maget Dominicé, Director of the Centre universitaire du droit de l'art and co-holder of the UNESCO Chair in International Cultural Property Law (University of Geneva)
ETH Zurich, Campus Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, E 5 or external page live online.
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Sign up now for an exciting journey into modern cultural preservation: the renowned provenance researcher will talk about current challenges in dealing with collection objects at the interface of digital infrastructures, legal norms and social debates.
A look at old inventories shows how cultural objects have long been described primarily in terms of their materiality. This information was used to identify an object, but not to interpret it. Even the image of an object – a sketch or design, then a photograph – was material. The different meanings of an object, the invisible elements, remained hidden.
The development of digital resources poses the question in a very different way, as the physical object is flanked by a variable meaning and documentation in different formats. Furthermore, its preservation, ownership and possession pose new challenges in the wake of efforts to challenge the authority of memorial institutions.
The lecture will address this question through a number of case studies that will encourage reflection on the potential of digital infrastructure, the framework of legal norms and identity claims.
Prof. Dr Antoinette Maget Dominicé was appointed Junior Professor of Provenance Research and Values of Cultural Property at the Institute of Art History at LMU Munich in 2018. Since 2024, together with Marc-André Renold, Honorary Professor at the University of Geneva, she has been co-holder of the UNESCO Chair in International Cultural Property Law. She is a member of various academic committees and regularly lectures at the Universities of Zurich, Paris-Nanterre and Lucerne.