Research data management and related topics: know-how for your research project

This series of workshops organised by the ETH Library and Scientific IT Services at ETH Zurich introduces you to varied aspects of research data management.
The second lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: reframing scientometrics

The event will take place on 11 October 2023 in collaboration with the CHESS. Prof. Emanuel Kulczycki will explore how ontological understanding of science influences what we count and how we interpret it.
TOBI: an app to track open scholarly metadata is now available

Are open data sources reliable enough to perform bibliometric analyses? TOBI aims to answer this question by assessing the quality of open datasets. Among its first deliverables, an app is now available.
The spatial database Geofacets will be retired at the end of 2023

Geofacets, the database for geoscientific maps, will no longer be available from 2024 onwards. The publisher Elsevier is discontinuing the platform.