New additions on E-Periodica

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The Federal Office of Sport published Mobile until 2010. With its practical, theoretically rigorous articles, the scientific journal served as a resource for physical education. Published for the first time in 1944 as a bulletin for Vorunterrichtsleiter – physical fitness instructors who trained Swiss youths for future military service – under the title Starke Jugend – freies Volk, the journal was renamed Jugend and Sport in 1967, which was the name of the successor to the earlier pre-military training programme. In 1983, it was renamed Magglingen, the location of the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport, which was also the editor of the journal.

Mobile: die Fachzeitschrift für Sport (1999–2010)
external pageIssue German
external pageIssue French
external pageIssue Italian

Magglingen (1983–1998)
external pageIssue German
external pageIssue French
external pageIssue Italian

Jugend und Sport (1967–1982)
external pageIssue German
external pageIssue French
external pageIssue Italian

Starke Jugend, freies Volk (1944–1966)
external pageIssue German
external pageIssue French
external pageIssue Italian

The Pestalozzi-Kalender was first published in 1907 by Bern-based businessman Bruno Kaiser as Kaiser’s neuer Schweizer Schülerkalender. With schedule templates, a list of math formulas and conjugation tables, the calendar provided students with help with their studies, while at the same time containing experiments, meaningful sayings and biographical information on famous individuals, and offering students interesting content to read. Starting in 1913, the calendar also came with a booklet containing interesting facts and entertainment called the “Schatzkästlein”, or “treasure chest”.

external pageTo the issues 1908–2005

Schatzkästlein: Pestalozzi-Kalender
external pageTo the issues 1913–1993

In 1777, Isaak Iselin and his fellow campaigners founded the Society for the Good and Charitable with the goal of helping the less fortunate. The Neujahrsblatt der GGG Basel has been published since 1819. The individual volumes are written in a generally understandable way but are still scientifically sound. They offer all history enthusiasts valuable insights into various aspects of Basel’s history.

external pageTo the issues 1821-ff.

The Zürcher Taschenbuch contains articles on the history of the city and the Zurich region as well as the Zürcher Chronik. The essays are about events and notable people from the Middle Ages all the way to the 20th century.

external pageTo the issues 1858-ff.

The Swiss Society for Folklore was founded in 1896 and since then it has endeavoured to research and document everyday Swiss culture. The society’s newsletter was first published in 1911, and initially only in German. Since 1943, the society has also published a French edition, in which Italian contributions have also been published since 1968. In 1995, the two editions were merged to create Schweizer Volkskunde = Folklore suisse = Folclore svizzero.

external pageTo the issues 1911–2019

The Schweizer Theaterjahrbuch was aimed at presenting research findings and documentation work on important topics in Swiss theatre. Since its founding in 1927, the aim of the Swiss Society for Theatre Culture – the editor of the journal – has been to recognise, document and research the diversity of the performing arts in Switzerland, and to encourage a dialogue between scientists, artists and the audience in Switzerland.

external pageTo the issues 1928–1988

Colloquium Helveticum: cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée = Schweizer Hefte für allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

The Colloquium Helveticum has been published since 1985 by the Swiss Society for General and Comparative Literature Studies. The journal offers an overview of scientific debates in the field of general and comparative literature studies in Switzerland and abroad, and also includes information about new publications in this field.

external pageTo the issues 1985-ff.

The Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée is the journal for applied linguistics in Switzerland. The Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (VALS-ASLA) is a forum for the exchange of knowledge and information in the field of applied linguistics, an interdisciplinary field of linguistics in which language-related challenges and real-life problems are examined and results are applied in both practice and theory development.

external pageTo the issues 1966-ff.

Founded in 1838, the Société d’histoire et d’archéologie de Genève (SHAG) serves to this day as a forum for historical research in Geneva through the conferences it organises as well as through regular publications. Furthermore, thanks to numerous gifts and donations, the society is also in possession of important manuscripts on the history of Geneva. The SHAG has published a bulletin since 1892 that closely follows the developments in historiography.

external pageTo the issues 1892-ff.

The journal Matières, which originated within the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, plays a dual role. On the one hand, it helps to disseminate the university’s research findings, while on the other, it provides a forum for current discussions on architecture, its theories and its history. Matières is published annually; each edition is dedicated to a specific topic.

external pageTo the issues 1997-ff.

Fotointern was the newsletter for professional photographers and specialist retailers in Switzerland. From 2005 to 2009, it published a French edition in addition to the German edition. Due to the global financial crisis in 2008, the number of advertisers began to dwindle. As a result, the print edition was discontinued, and Fotointern continued as an online-only publication.

external page1994–2009 – German issue
external page2005–2009 – Édition romande

Entomo Helvetica is a Swiss entomological journal that is published by cantonal entomological societies and other institutions. It is published annually with articles and short updates on the faunistics of insects and other arthropods from Switzerland and the surrounding regions. The journal is aimed at all readers, from specialists to laypeople.

Entomo Helvetica: entomologische Zeitschrift der Schweiz
external pageTo the issues 2008-ff.

Bulletin romand d'entomologie
external pageTo the issues 1981–2008

Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey
external pageTo the issues 1975–2016

The Insecta Helvetica series, which is divided into the Catalogus und Fauna editions, was published from 1959 to 1996 and was solely dedicated to insect groups by definition. It was published by the Swiss Entomological Society, which, until 1987, was the only institution to publish comprehensive works on Switzerland’s invertebrates.

Insecta Helvetica. Catalogus
external pageTo the issues 1966–1987

Insecta Helvetica. Fauna
external pageTo the issues 1959–1996

The Swiss Friends of Ferns was founded in 1977. The society actively advocates for greater knowledge and protection of ferns in Switzerland, and has published its own journal since 1978. In Fern Folio, the society reports their activities and observations as well as on the latest findings in the field of fern research.

external pageTo the issues 1978-ff.

The goal of the Società ticinese di scienzi naturali is to promote and disseminate the natural sciences in Italian-speaking Switzerland and, in particular, to conduct research on natural science issues in the regions south of the Alps as well as in neighbouring regions. The society is the editor of their annual Bollettino, or bulletin, as well as, in cooperation with the Cantonal Museum of Natural History, the editor of the monograph Memorie.

Bollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali
external pageTo the issues 1904-ff.

Memorie/Società ticinese di scienze naturali, Museo cantonale di storia naturale
external pageTo the issues 1987-ff.

The Naturalist Society Obwalden and Nidwalden (NAGON)was founded in 1995 at the Herrenhaus Grafenort, and has published the NAGON series of monographs since 1997. The goal of the society is to promote understanding of the natural sciences and to arouse interest in related findings. With its publications and events, the society aims to bridge the gap between everyday life and the natural sciences.

external pageTo the issues 1997-ff.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NL

The journal Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchungen und Hygiene was published by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). The journal served as a publication medium for the Swiss Society for Food Hygiene and the Swiss Society for Food and Environmental Chemistry. The journal provided universities, colleges, and both federal and industrial research institutions a platform where they could publish their studies.

external pageTo the issues 1910–2010

The Bulletin des lois, décrets et ordonnances du Canton de Berne (or, until 1846, simply the Bulletin de la République de Berne) is the official Code of Laws for the canton of Bern, which was published in print every year from 1831 to 1993. Starting in 1994, the publication was called Recueil officiel des lois bernoises. The German edition, the external pageBernische amtliche Gesetzessammlung, has already been available on E-Periodica for some time.

external pageTo the issues 1831-ff.

What is E-Periodica?

external pageE-Periodica is the online platform for Swiss periodicals and is a service of the ETH Library. Subjects range from the natural sciences through architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policies. At E-Periodica you’ll find freely accessible periodicals from the 18th century through to the present. Resources are being continually expanded and supplemented by current editions.
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