Design an information event for your fellow students
A workshop of the ETH Library for ETH Master’s students.

The ETH Library is conducting a workshop aimed at Master’s students. The topic is designing an event to inform Master’s students about the services offered by the ETH Library. The workshop will centre around questions such as: What should the event look like? Which topics should it address? Where should it take place? How do you want to find out about it?
The workshop will take place on 5 April 2023 at the ETH main building and will last a maximum of three hours. The ETH Library will compensate participants with vouchers worth CHF 30/hour, which they can redeem in the ETH Store.
Are you interested in participating in the workshop and helping to shape the event?
If yes, then please register your interest with the workshop’s organisers at by 12 March 2023, stating your degree programme.