Publishing research data: from openBIS directly onto the Research Collection
Anyone who uses openBIS can easily publish research data in the Research Collection. This means valuable data can be made available to other researchers sooner.

Do you work with openBIS? Do you want to publish your scientific data? All users of this data management platform can transfer their data directly to the Research Collection publication platform. All that researchers need to do is select the relevant data in their openBIS instance and these will be automatically transferred to the Research Collection, where the submission process needs to be completed. They can then select the access mode and, if required, an end-user licence for their data package. After a formal review process by the Research Collection team, the data will be published as open research data or with the selected restricted access rights.
openBIS – data management software
external page openBIS is a data management solution developed at ETH Zurich with an electric lab notebook (ELN) and an inventory management system. It allows researchers to accurately document all processes and research data from the very first data collection, as well as annotate, store and manage data that are generated during the course of a research project.
For more information, refer to the external page user documentation from openBIS.
The Research Collection – ETH Zurich’s repository
The Research Collection platform is ETH Zurich’s repository for publications and research data. It allows researchers at ETH Zurich to publish their data in accordance with the FAIR Data Principles so that they can easily be found by other researchers and reused.