New on E-Periodica: St. Gallen periodicals

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New on E-Periodica: St. Gallen periodicals

The digitisation of the St. Gallen periodicals was made possible by the external pageKantonsbibliothek Vadiana St. Gallen.  

The Neujahrsblatt is the annual periodical of the historical association of the canton of St. Gallen. In addition to a scientific main article on a topic related to the history of St. Gallen, from 1880 to 2001, the Neujahrsblatt also included an appendix with the St. Gallen chronicle listing all of the important events in the canton and, from 1880 to 2009, a St. Gallen bibliography. Since 1967, an archaeological research report has also been included in the appendix, and an annual report of the canton’s monument preservation activities was added from 2007 onwards.

external pageTo the issues 1861–ff.

St. Galler Schreibmappe and its successor St. Galler Jahresmappe were published from 1897 to 1939. In addition to articles about topics related to St. Gallen, they also contain distinctions of St. Gallen residents and a number of adverts. From 1943 to 1996, the Gallus-Stadt (city of Gallus) annual was published by Zollikofer. It contains historical articles, documents events in the city of St. Gallen and honours those who passed away who had made an impact on life in the city.

external pageTo the issues 1897–1996

Rorschacher Neujahrsblatt contains essays on the history, geography, culture and economy of the city of Rorschach and the surrounding region (Rorschach, Rorschacherberg, Goldach, Steinach, Horn, Tübach, Mörschwil, Thal). It features obituaries of people from the Rorschach region and an annual chronicle.

external pageTo the issues 1911–1999

The company Cavelti Druck und Media Gossau began producing Oberberger Blätter in 1963, working with the directors of the Genossenschaft Oberberg until 1995. Oberberger Blätter documents the cultural history of Gossau and the surrounding region.

external pageTo the issues 1963–2015

Toggenburger Annalen and its replacement publication, Toggenburger Jahrbuch, contain articles on the rich and varied history, culture and nature of the Thur Valley and Necker Valley. The articles in Toggenburger Jahrbuch are complemented by book reviews and chronicles from the individual municipalities of Toggenburg.

external pageTo the issues 1974–ff.

Werdenberger Jahrbuch publishes articles on the history and culture of the Werdenberg municipalities of Wartau, Sevelen, Buchs, Grabs, Gams and Sennwald. Each annual focuses on a different subject. The second half of the yearbook contains articles on any topic of the respective author’s choosing. The volumes are rounded off with book reviews, the annual reports of the HHVW, an annual regional chronicle, statistics, voting and election results, weather and nature reports and a list of the recently deceased in the six municipalities.

external pageTo the issues 1988–ff.

Region Wil: das Wiler Jahrbuch and Region St.Gallen: das St. Galler Jahrbuch are both wonderfully illustrated reference works for people living in the region or those who have moved away. They document all areas of public life, including culture, politics, the economy, sport, fairs and festivals.

Saiten is a charitable association with no political or religious affiliations. It promotes the cultural scene in Eastern Switzerland in general and in the city of St. Gallen in particular. By publishing Saiten, its monthly culture magazine for Eastern Switzerland, the association fulfils its mandate of providing cultural content on socio-politically relevant topics and informing about cultural events.

external pageTo the issues 1994–ff.

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external pageE-Periodica is the online platform for Swiss periodicals and is a service of the ETH Library. Subjects range from the natural sciences through architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policies. At E-Periodica you’ll find freely accessible periodicals from the 18th century through to the present. Resources are being continually expanded and supplemented by current editions.


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