Newly digitised journals available on E-Periodica

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Saiten is a charitable association with no political or religious affiliations. It promotes the cultural scene in Eastern Switzerland in general and in the city of St. Gallen in particular. By publishing Saiten, its monthly culture magazine for Eastern Switzerland, the association fulfils its mandate of providing cultural content on socio-politically relevant topics and informing about cultural events.

external pageTo the issues 1994–ff.

Kultur und Politik is a journal published by Bioforum Schweiz (Swiss Organic Forum) and draws on the tradition of Möschberg, the birthplace of organic agriculture in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The editors of Kultur und Politik aim to reflect the heritage of the organic pioneers, further develop it and render it useful for the present and future.

external pageTo the issues 1946–ff.

The Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden (Association of Swiss University Lecturers, VSH) engages with the current issues affecting university-level teaching and research in Switzerland and promotes public awareness of universities and those who work within them. The VSH also works to maintain the communication and mutual understanding between the disciplines and different universities. The VSH takes stances on issues affecting universities at the national level and uses its influence to help in the implementation of appropriate decisions. The organisation reports on the above-named activities on a quarterly basis in Bulletin VSH-AEU.

external pageTo the issues 1975–ff.

Reports and information from the Swiss Law Association (SJV)

The Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht is the central forum for voicing and forming opinions in the world of Swiss legal literature. Halbband (half-volume) II, which is published annually and contains the reports and information of the Swiss Law Association, is available via E-Periodica.

external pageTo the issues 1852–ff.

The first issue was published in June 1920 under the title Bulletin mensuel de la Chambre de commerce suisse en France. The aim of this monthly bulletin was to inform the members of the Chambre de commerce suisse en France about internal activities. At the same time, it reported on current affairs of the respective era. The number of issues was first reduced to six a year in 1958, then to four a year in 1961. Following several title changes, the last issue was published in 2008 under the title Revue économique franco-suisse.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1920–2008

The Schweizer Frauenblatt was a publication issued by the Federation of Swiss Women’s Associations and the German-language equivalent of the Mouvement féministe. It was founded in Aarau in 1919 and is thus one of the oldest magazines of the Swiss women’s movement. Its purpose was to raise awareness of the political, economic and social position of women and the issue of women’s suffrage.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1919–1990

The weekly Schweizer katholische Frauenzeitung was the first newspaper for Catholic women in Switzerland. From 1908, this periodical was published only on a monthly basis, in a new format and under the new title St. Elisabeths-Rosen. It contained articles on the topics of child-rearing and household management, although it also regularly featured novellas and stories.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1900–1913

This periodical was launched in December 1907 with a sample issue. At the time, it was published by the Swiss Red Cross as an insert titled Blätter für Krankenpflege. Its editorship was later taken over by the Schweizerische Verband diplomierter Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger (Swiss Association of Professionally Qualified Nurses), and the title changed to Zeitschrift für Krankenpflege. The periodical published specialist articles on professional practice, nursing science and nursing-related policy of interest to members of the profession.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1907–1979

astro sapiens: die Zeitschrift von und für Amateur-Astronomen

Orion was created in 1943 by the Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft (Swiss Astronomical Society) as its members’ newsletter. Today, Orion is a scientific journal in which current topics and practical issues in astronomy are discussed. Orion seeks to inform those with an interest in astronomy about scientific insights and thus appeals to newcomers of all ages. It also serves to provide active observers with precise information about upcoming astronomical phenomena, and photographers with the opportunity to publish their best images.

external pageTo the Orion issues 1943–ff.

external pageTo the astro sapiens issues 1991–1995

Boissiera, originally intended as a supplement to Candollea, was first published in 1936 under the title Mémoires du Conservatoire de botanique et de l'Institut de botanique de l'Université de Genève. This series is primarily used to publish extensive research papers on the classification systems, morphology, chorology and ecology of plants.

external pageTo the issues 1936–2005

Studia philosophica, the Swiss philosophy magazine, is published annually in September and features academic articles, reviews and debates in German, French, Italian and English. Every two years, the periodical publishes a selection of the papers presented at the Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society.

external pageTo the issues 1941–2003

Kunstmaterial is a series published by the Swiss Institute for Art Research and presents the research findings of the institute’s department of art technology. The series focuses on the study and preservation of artworks. The purpose of Kunstmaterial is to highlight the important role that art-technology research plays in the activities of the SIK-ISEA.

external pageTo the issues 2007–ff.

Brugger Neujahrsblätter is published annually at the start of the Advent period. It is aimed at people from the Brugg region and those who feel an affinity with the region. Brugger Neujahrsblätter reflects life in the city and region of Brugg. Its topics include society, culture, economics, politics, history, transport, education, nature and literature. This is a range of topics once summarised as “Heimatkunde”, loosely translating as “local heritage”.

external pageTo the issues 1890–ff.

The serially published Rheinfelder Neujahrsblätter uses articles from the past and present, biographies of public figures with links to the region and features on art history and literature to paint a vibrant picture of the history of Rheinfelden and its environs.

external pageTo the issues 1945–ff.

Toggenburger Annalen and its replacement publication, Toggenburger Jahrbuch, contain articles on the rich and varied history, culture and nature of the Thur Valley and Necker Valley. The articles in Toggenburger Jahrbuch are complemented by book reviews and chronicles from the individual municipalities of Toggenburg.

external pageTo the issues 1974–ff.

Beiträge zu Geschichte und Kultur der Gemeinden Wartau, Sevelen, Buchs, Grabs, Gams und Sennwald

Werdenberger Jahrbuch publishes articles on the history and culture of the Werdenberg municipalities of Wartau, Sevelen, Buchs, Grabs, Gams and Sennwald. Each annual issue uses several articles to engage with different aspects of a single specific topic from a historical perspective, though always with reference to the present and future. The second half of the yearbook always contains articles on any topic of the respective author’s choosing. The volumes are rounded off with book reviews, the annual reports of the HHVW and affiliated foundations, an annual regional chronicle, statistics, voting and election results, weather and nature reports and a list of the recently deceased in the six municipalities.

external pageTo the issues 1988–ff.

The Igl Ischi yearbook is the organ of Romania (from 2006: Surselva Romontscha), the Romansh-speaking community of the Bündner Oberland, and was founded by Caspar Decurtins. The aim of the yearbook is to maintain the Romansch language (and the Sursilvan idiom in particular), its history and literature. Alongside literary works, this yearbook also predominantly publishes articles on linguistic policy, literary studies, ethnology and historiography.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1897–2005

Like its predecessor (issues 1867 and 1869), the new yearbook Il Glogn is named after the Glenner, the river that flows through the Val Lumnezia. It is a yearbook that was published by Guglielm Gadola as a “calender pil pievel”, or folk calendar. The aim of the yearbook is to maintain the Romansch language (and the Sursilvan idiom in particular). Alongside original literary publications by Gadola and other famous authors, the yearbook focuses on historical, cultural and linguistic articles that frequently relate to the lives of the region’s farmers.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1927–1953

The yearbook Il Glogn is named after the Glenner, the river that flows through the Val Lumnezia. The two issues from 1867 and 1869 were founded and edited by Stephan Manetsch. This is a typical farmers’ almanac with phases of the sun and moon, information on cattle markets, etc. It also contains monthly recommendations of Romansh-language texts as “Per passa temp”, pastimes, with the aim of improving the education and linguistic skills of the local population.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NB

external pageTo the issues 1867–1869

What is E-Periodica?

external pageE-Periodica is the online platform for Swiss periodicals and is a service of the ETH Library. Subjects range from the natural sciences through architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policies. At E-Periodica you’ll find freely accessible periodicals from the 18th century through to the present. Resources are being continually expanded and supplemented by current editions.

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