Online publications: What kinds of legal hurdles do archives face?

At the 17:15 Colloquium on 24 September 2020, Martin Steiger, lawyer and expert on law in the digital space, speaks about the challenges for archives in the Internet age. Be there virtually and join the discussion!


Archives not only collect archival materials, they also secure it. In addition, they ensure that their archival holdings are available in keeping with certain conditions. With digitisation and the option to publish on the Internet, old legal hurdles are becoming relevant again, while new ones are emerging at the same time. First of all, there is the fundamental question of what archives are permitted to make accessible online and in what form that is allowed to take place.

But there are also other questions: Who holds which copyrights to the archival materials? What is the situation as regards data protection and the protection of privacy? How do licenses and agreements have to be structured?

The event language is German. The 17:15 Colloquium takes place at 17.15 virtually on Zoom.

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