New resource: Online Historical Dictionary of Philosophy

The Online Historical Dictionary of Philosophy is one of the most comprehensive, significant and successful humanities publication projects of the modern German-speaking academic world.

In its printed edition, which consists of 13 text volumes (published 1971 to 2007) with a total of 17,144 text columns and one index volume, the complete work documents the origin and genesis of a total of 3670 philosophical concepts, describing how their meaning and function has changed from their first appearance until today on the basis of numerous precise items of evidence and references in some 6000 articles.

In order to illustrate the specific philosophical terminology in the context of the overall academic system, concepts from related disciplines – theology, psychology, education, sociology, history and art history, political science, jurisprudence, medicine, mathematics and the natural sciences – are also covered.

external pageThe Online Historical Dictionary of Philosophy can be accessed through the ETH Zurich network.

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