Research Collection: Statistik 2019
We published the first infographic on the use of the Research Collection in April 2019. This year’s first infographic presents the annual review for 2019.

The most downloaded external page articles, external page datasets and doctoral theses were those that had occupied the top spots for most of the year. Albert Einstein’s doctoral thesis “Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimension” (“A new determination of the molecular dimension”) had led the field for five out of the nine months considered.
The almost eightfold increase in journal article downloads within the last five years is striking. The number of downloads exceeded the 500,000 mark in 2019 for the first time. The download figures per country remained highly stable. The USA generated more downloads than Germany and Switzerland each month, which is reflected in the annual statistics.
The highest Altmetric score of 6,365 was attained by the article “The global tree restoration potential”, which triggered lively discussions in the research community. Due to its relevance, it is unsurprising that this article even features in the external page top 10 of all articles worldwide.
Since March 2019, we have been able to increase the Open Access share of the last three publication years by 3%, 2% and 10% respectively by enriching entries with full texts and expiring embargo periods. We anticipate further increases in the said share in 2020 as a result of these measures.
The Research Collection is the publication platform of ETH Zurich, where members of the university can publish academic full texts via Open Access and archive research data or make this publicly accessible.