Thomas Mann-Handschriften online
Thomas Mann Archives Online allow access to further original documents.

Digitized manuscripts, typescripts, notes, drafts, working materials and letters of the Nobel laureate in Literature are being made accessible to the public in stages. New items now accessible online include the documents available in the archives on the creation of Thomas Mann’s “Königliche Hoheit” (‘Royal Highness’) novel, the early stories, the essays from the years 1914 to 1926 and the letters from the period from 1914 to 1923.
An overview of all documents accessible online can be found on the website of the Thomas Mann Archives.
More of these personal papers will be made available online gradually over the coming years. Up to now, it was only possible for users to research the metadata for these documents. For legal reasons, it was only possible to view the digitized originals in the reading room of the Thomas Mann Archives.
The online offering (external link) has been developed by the Thomas Mann Archives in agreement and collaboration with the heirs and their spokesperson Prof. Dr. Frido Mann as well as with external page S.Fischer Verlag, which has been publishing the works of Thomas Mann since 1897. See also the current article at external page
ETH Zurich's Thomas Mann Archives safeguard and maintain Thomas Mann's literary legacy, which they have been mediating for academic research and the interested public since they were founded in 1956. Additions are constantly made to the holdings.