Third Thomas Mann Lecture – Save the date
In 2019, Prof. Dr Rüdiger Görner of the Queen Mary University of London will be a guest speaker at ETH Zurich for the lecture series on Thomas Mann. He will be speaking on the topic «Sich ins Bild rücken und es beim Wort nehmen. Thomas Mann und die visuelle Medialität» (in German).

How did one of the giants of 20th century literature create a media presence?
The lecture shows that Thomas Mann's irony became visible not only in his work, but also in his handling of visual media.
The third Thomas Mann Lecture takes place
- on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 from 18.00 – 19.00, followed by an apéro riche
- at the main ETH Zurich building, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, in the Semper Aula, G 60.
Please register by 17 November 2019 via e-mail to or by telephone on +41 44 632 40 45.
Every year, an internationally renowned figure from the field of literary studies is invited to ETH Zurich. The series of Thomas Mann Lectures examines fundamental issues that feature in Thomas Mann’s work and is geared towards both an academic audience and interested members of the general public.
The Thomas Mann Lectures are organised by the Thomas Mann Archives in conjunction with the Chair of Literary and Cultural Studies at ETH Zurich.