Open-access publishing
Do you want to publish your research output open access and are you looking for financial support? Are you uncertain how to self-archive your publications using the Green Road to open access?

Open Access Publishing (Image: ETH Library)
- Publishing open access: how, when, where?
- Publish Agreement and author’s rights (Green Road)
- Open access funding options
- Open access requirements of the research funders (and how you can fulfill them)
- Licensing your work under Creative Commons licences
Target audience
- Doctoral students
- Postdocs
- Scientific staff
- Technical and administrative staff
- German
- English
Meeting point
Consultations can be held by arrangement
- on Zoom or Microsoft Teams
- on site in the main building of the ETH Library
Our consultations become barrier-free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.