Professor at the ETH Zurich (1912–1914)

In the meantime, Einstein had become so well known in academic circles, that he received offers from Utrecht, Leiden, Vienna and Berlin. The ETH Zurich also strove to attract its former student and entered into negotiations with him at the end of 1911. At the beginning of 1912, Einstein was appointed as professor for theoretical physics at the ETH, starting the 1st October.
During the Download winter semester of 1912/13 (PDF, 808 KB), Einstein taught analytical mechanics and thermodynamics, and presented a physics seminar. In the Download summer semester (PDF, 708 KB) Einstein read about continuum mechanics and the molecular theory of heat and held a seminar on physics. In addition, he was in charge of students at the Physics Institute together with Pierre Weiss.
In 1912 Einstein was predominantly concerned with the problem of gravitation, which he attempted to solve in Zurich together with the mathematician Marcel Grossmann. He made a break-through while still in Zurich, even though the ultimate formulation of the general theory of relativity would only follow a few years later.
In 1913 Einstein became a member of the renowned Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. At the same time he was appointed to a professorship with no obligation to lecture at the Friedrich-Wilhelm-University.
Documents to the time as a Professor at the ETH Zurich (German)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief von Robert Gnehm an Bundesrat Josef Schobinger, 03.10.1911 (PDF, 388 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Berufung von Albert Einstein als Professor, 02.12.1911 (PDF, 823 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Robert Gnehm an Albert Einstein, 08.12.1911 (PDF, 458 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Albert Einstein an Robert Gnehm, 13.12.1911 (PDF, 445 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Heinrich Zangger an Robert Gnehm, 14.12.1911 (PDF, 407 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Robert Gnehm an Albert Einstein, 18.12.1911 (PDF, 356 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Telegramm von Albert Einstein an Robert Gnehm, 19.12.1911 (PDF, 396 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Anstellungsbedingungen, 22.01.1912 (PDF, 911 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Robert Gnehm an Albert Einstein, 23.01.1912 (PDF, 389 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief Robert Gnehm an Bundesrat, 23.01.1912 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Auszug aus dem Protokoll des Bundesrates, 30.01.1912 (PDF, 597 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern an Schulrat, 01.02.1912 (PDF, 395 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Anstellungsbedingungen, 02.02.1912 (PDF, 849 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Albert Einstein an Alfred und Clara Stern, 02.02.1912 (PDF, 144 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Albert Einstein an Schulrat, 12.02.1912 (PDF, 341 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Postkarte Albert Einstein an Conrad Habicht, 14.08.1912 (PDF, 384 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Rektor Vetter an Albert Einstein, 14.10.1912 (PDF, 369 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Rektor Vetter an Albert Einstein, 04.01.1913 (PDF, 368 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Postkarte Albert Einstein an Conrad Habicht, 03.05.1913 (PDF, 384 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Schweizer Botschafter in Berlin an Robert Gnehm, 16.6.1913 (PDF, 425 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Robert Gnehm an Schweizer Botschafter in Berlin, 18.06.1913 (PDF, 382 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Postkarte Albert Einstein an Conrad Habicht, 07.07.1913 (PDF, 348 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom A. Einstein Gutachten Habilitationsgesuch von O.Stern, 15.07.1913 (PDF, 514 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Postkarte Albert Einstein an Conrad Habicht, 07.09.1913 (PDF, 374 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom A. Einstein, Pierre Weiss: Urlaubsgesuch Teilnahme am Solvay-Kongress, 19.10.1913 (PDF, 355 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom A. Einstein an Robert Gnehm (Entlassungsgesuch), 30.11.1913 (PDF, 367 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Schulratsprotokoll zur Entlassung, 06.12.1913 (PDF, 891 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Präsidialratsprotokoll zur Entlassung, 06.12.1913 (PDF, 829 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Robert Gnehm an Albert Einstein, 15.12.1913 (PDF, 360 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Einladung an Conrad und Anna Habicht, 12.1913 (PDF, 531 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief von Albert Einstein an Wander De Haas, Herbst 1913 (PDF, 536 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Brief von Albert Einstein an Jakob Ehrat, 17.01.1914 (PDF, 937 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Postkarte Albert Einstein an David Reichinstein, 27.03.1914 (PDF, 446 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom ETH-Programm 1912b mit Vorlesungen Einsteins (S. 15, 16, 20; ETH-Bib P 9502) (PDF, 808 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom ETH-Programm 1913a mit Vorlesungen Einsteins (ETH-Bib P 9502) (PDF, 708 KB)