
Organise information from various sources centrally
With external page Feedly, you can merge and organise information from various sources (e.g. scientific journals, Twitter, RSS feeds, blogs and websites). Feedly allows you to maintain an overview of all the latest research results and developments, as well as helping you keep up to date with current research discourse.
In Feedly, various sources are summarised in “Personal Feeds”. All articles and feed notifications can be read on a desktop computer or on a mobile phone (iOS and Android). The personal selection of articles and notifications can be organised via “Personal Boards”.
In order to use Feedly, you must create a personal account (please see the information about external page privacy and personal data). Feedly Inc. is based in the USA. If you have concerns about data privacy, you can also use an email address without your real name when you create an account.
Getting started made easy: tutorials
The following tutorials will help when you use Feedly: