Open Research Data Agreement SERI

Swiss Scientific institutions adopt the Open Research Data Strategy Action Plan

The external page Open Research Data (ORD) Action Plan specifies the measures of the ORD Strategy published in July 2021. It represents a further step for swissuniversities, the ETH Board, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as well as the Academies of Arts and Sciences towards facilitating access to research data and thus Open Science.

The ORD Strategy published in July 2021 contains four objectives for the Swiss ORD landscape: The targeted development and support of ORD solutions based on the needs and ORD practices of the respective research communities, the strategic development and consolidation of infrastructures and services, the promotion of researchers’ ORD skills and sharing of best practices, as well as the development of systemic, supportive frameworks for institutions and research communities.

Four action areas have been defined in the ORD Action Plan to achieve these objectives. The Action Plan furthermore describes different action lines within the action areas. The action lines lie in the primary responsibility of one of the partner institutions, which implements them in coordination with the others. The Action Plan covers the years 2022 to 2028.

external page More information on the ORD Action Plan

swissuniversities, 26 January 2022