Swiss Year of Scientometrics

Within the scope of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS), a series of workshops and lectures on the responsible use of scientometrics will be held across Switzerland, along with a parallel awareness campaign. The project is funded by swissuniversities.

Aim of the project

  • Inspire in-depth discussion about the possibilities and limits of scientometrics
  • Encourage the responsible use of scientometric indicators
  • Explore the need for scientometric data and services in Switzerland

Description of the project

A series of four lectures, each accompanied by a workshop, will be carried out to achieve these goals. Each event will be dedicated to a specific topic. The invited speakers will contribute relevant insights to each topic, while the workshops will provide a platform for moderated discussion among stakeholders.

An awareness campaign will take place alongside the events. It will consist of a blog featuring topical contributions from experts with additional space for discussion and further exploration of the SYoS topics. The series of events and the blog posts will be accompanied and publicised by social-media content.

Synergies and context

Synergies arise with the project Towards Open Bibliometric Indications (TOBI), also funded by swissuniversities.

Time frame



Dr David Johann
Research Analytics Service
  • +41 44 633 75 14
General SYoS contact
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