Student work holdings “Building School”

Aim of the project
- Digitization of the student works from the Bauschule collection stored in the gta archive
- Linking the digital copies with the existing metadata in the gta archive database
- Publication of the image data and metadata on the research portal of the gta archive
Description of the project
The photographic documentation of most of the diploma theses and numerous term papers at the architecture department of ETH Zurich from the period between 1903 and 1958 held in the gta archive comprises 7 folders and 30 archive boxes with around 3500 sheets. It documents around 1500 designs under the formative diploma professors Gustav Gull, Karl Moser, Otto Rudolf Salvisberg and Hans Hofmann.
The documents are to be digitized integrally and professionally in collaboration with Gubler Imaging, the digitized files then linked to the metadata in the archive database and finally published on the gta Archive's research portal.
There they will be automatically fed with the existing personal standard data entries on the respective students and finally linked by hand with the hundreds of original plans of student works that are available in other holdings of the gta archive (estates of former students or professors).
Synergies and context
The materials are of great importance both for the memory of the architecture department and for research. They also supplement the materials on architecture teaching at the ETH, such as course catalogs, matriculation lists and school board minutes, which are kept in the ETH Library's university archive.
A research and publication project on architecture teaching after Semper is also planned. Teaching under Semper has already been examined by Martin Tschanz as part of a dissertation (Die Bauschule am Eidgenössischen Polytechnikum in Zürich. Teaching architecture at the time of Gottfried Semper (1855-1871). gta Verlag, Zurich 2015).
Time frame
January 1 to December 31, 2024