KERFE: Entomological collection

Moth butterfly in the Entomological Collection. Picture: Entomological collection.
Aim of the project
As part of the project, 26,000 insects, in particular exotic Rhopalocera and Pyraloidea, will be digitized and the data subsequently published in the NAHIMA database.
Description of the project
The project completes the digitization of Rhopalocera worldwide. In addition to the main collection of moths (Pyraloidea), the collections of Paul Weber and Willi Sauter, which are extremely important for science, are also being recorded. Digitization is carried out according to the processes developed in the two previous projects MALIA and IMAGO. Thanks to the MALIA project, the processed parts of the collection achieve curation level 7-8 (McGinley score).
Synergies and context
Experience and knowledge about digitalization are exchanged within the SwissCollNet network.
Time frame
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024